Our Objectives
To provide accommodation and tenancy management coaching and guidance for people who experience emotional distress, who have a disability and/or who are vulnerable.
To provide accommodation for people who have difficulty accessing and/or maintaining accommodation without help and support and/or who:
have low or no income,
have poor or no credit history,
are unable to raise a rent deposit
To provide support and training for individuals within these client groups to help them gain greater confidence, life skills and independence.
In order to achieve these objectives, we envisage:
working in partnership with both the statutory and private sectors to secure property, obtain referrals and ensure access to relevant information, guidance and services
providing a full, guaranteed property management service to assist and encourage landlords to work with us
delivering a tenancy coaching and guidance service to enable beneficiaries to set up and maintain a tenancy.
Our Services:
The Stone Foundation has now taken on the lease and management of:
12 shared houses and 9 self-contained flats in Ipswich, Stowmarket, Sudbury and Lowestoft. These offer a 24/7 support service provided by Mavam Support, for over 60 individuals.
8 flats and shared houses in Ipswich, where support is delivered by Mavam’s community team – YLOH.
We have service level agreements with both teams to ensure each party is fully aware of respective responsibilities.
We would very much like to work with other partner organisations in this way and will aim to source bespoke accommodation to suit needs where possible.
We are still a long way from being able to provide a home and support for everyone who needs it as we don’t have anywhere near the amount of property available.
We therefore very much welcome enquiries from property owners who would like to have the assurance of a long-term full management service with guaranteed income and their property returned at the end of the day in the same state as at the start. Please do get in touch!